LOST S02E05: “… And Found”

•April 3, 2009 • Leave a Comment

aka “Here comes the sun.”

Sun lost her wedding ring in the sand, how sad.

Fiesty Other Chick is feisty with Sawyer. This will all end in tears.

Sun desperately searches for the wedding ring, and cannot tell Jack where it fell off, because it got so used to it.

What is Jin doing with the sea urchin? How do you collect a sea urchin so close to the shallows.

“We don’t go that way.” “Why” “Cuz that’s where they come from.”

Oh give Sawyer a machete, that’s a smart idea.

“So Seoul, is that in the good Korea or Bad Korea?”

You got a degree in Medevil Russian Literature, and you’re surprised that ended up in Hotel Management?

And the boars of Karma go bowling with Jin, to find, a DEAD BODY.

I hate matchmakers, in any world, apparently.

Mr. Echo is making the others out to be supernatural.

Was that a teddy bear on a carrying wire?

Black other guy, I’ve decided, his accent is Haitian. It was a French U and R in his voice.

Sun rediscovers the wedding ring in the dirt where she buried the bottle.

The voice from the Rebuked Hindi Diety: “Wow, that’s two emotionally soft episodes back to back, they don’t normally do that.” And “I got a lap full of pug and its snorting on me, awesome.”

LOSTS02E04: Everybody Hates Hugo

•April 3, 2009 • Leave a Comment

Aka How Hurley got his groove back.

After eating fish bits and boar for what seems like a lifetime. Hurley goes into crazy scarf all mode. And Jin speaks English. And Hurley speaks Korean. The whole chickensuit next to Jin is freaking me out.

“Have a clukity, cluckity day Hugo.”

When last we left his Lord Duchiness Sawyer, he was stuck in the pit with Jin and Michael. And being a douche to Jin who’s trying to help. Random Black Other guy sends down a rope, and the other girl forces Jin up the rope with threats of death. Other chick leaves Sawyer in the pit. Seal that muther fucker up in Concrete, best episode of Lost Ever. Sadly, that’s not going to happen.

Hurley’s mom is a bitch.

Charlie’s little bitch session at Hurley, unacceptable and so “I Just ran out of Heroin in my Virgin Mary” chic.

I think I love Rose. Doing laundry at the end of the world. And because I love her, so Hurley loves her. Because Hurley is me, if I ate fried chicken and was worth $156 million.

Claire sees the letters in the bottle come back.

“It’s just one bottle.” – Rose

“That’s where it starts,” –Hugo

Locke’s being Buddha, awesome.

Huge Key chain.

Why couldn’t we just leave Sawyer in the pit? Sawyer and Fiesty Other chick have chemistry. This will all end in fireworks and tears.

Charlie and Hurley fight again.

I love that Hurley and Hurley’s Friends started jamming to “Drive Shaft.”

I take a shower because I’m specialer than everyone.  My name is Kate and I get to be selfish and everyone is okay with it.

More Dharma Initiative base for the “Others”.

Claire and CPQ hand Sun the letters in the bottle.

A buddy that will quit his own job to hang out with you is a friend who will love you no matter how much money you have.

Hurley’s putting a stick of dynamite to destroy the pantry.

All the cameras flashing all over the people in the van.

Rose’s Bernard shakes hands with Michael and Sawyer’s a douche.

Rose holds the candybar and locket to think of Bernard.

Hurley helps Charlie fulfill his promise to Claire.  God bless inter-commenwealth relationships.

LOST: S02E03 Orientation

•February 1, 2009 • Leave a Comment

aka More is revealed, even less is understood.  

Why do they enter the numbers into the computer to reset a computer program?  What happens if they don’t press it before the time runs out?

Random black “other” guy kicks the snot out of Sawyer, Michael, and Jin.  The others crew drags them in a net, which is awesome.  They appear to be getting dropped off in a trap in the ground.

Is it just me, or do the recent episodes appear to jump back and forth through time more than Season One.  It seems that this season’s episodes are even less linear in time.  That could denote that whatever time-space continuity that affects the island is breaking down, maybe that’s what they have to reset ever 108 minutes. If you believe Locke and Kate, Desmond’s only been down there for fourty-four days.  Of course, if Time was breaking down, it could be that Desmond has been here for more or less than surface time, meaning he could have been there for a week or a year. 

Someone shot the computer that resets the countdown. 

Apparently Locke bedded Helen, the therapist at the family lost thing.  Locke’s Dad just sits in the car, being a total dick.  Apparently, Locke’s “dad” scammed him; and frankly told him he’s not wanted. 

Locke seems insistent on telling people with guns that all is alright, even though there is a flurry of activity.  Desmond has apparently been down in the hatch with three years. 

I don’t think Locke or Jack ever expected to watch a film again. 

The film canister has the same symbol with the word orientation on it.  Is it possible this is a film that makes people gay? 

“Things are finally returning to normalness…” Hurley

“Sayid!” Kate

“O crap”  Hurley

Sawyer’s escape attempt is met by the large Black guy of the others and a slash of a blade.  A girl is dropped down into the pit with the three Raft Survivors. 

The Dharma Initiative 3 of 5 orientation station 3 the swan. 

Doctor Marvin Candle? 

Gerald and Karen duGroot, communal research compound.  Apparently the Dharma Initiative brought the Polar Bears to the Island.  Magnetic resonance apparently on this spot on the island requires them to re-enter the code in approximately 108 minutes. 

The new girl seems like a survivor of flight 815, from the tail section… her piece of the plane landed in the water, and she was able to swim to the surface and survive on the beach. 

Jack seems to think this is a mind game.  That there is no doomsday device, no electromagnetic disturbance that is mitigated by the numbers.  Maybe they wanted to see if someone would watch the film and just do it. 

Jack leaves Locke in the hatch.  Finally a sensible solution.  Locke finally snaps and asks in a yell to the island to tell him what he’s supposed to do. 

Hurley, Sayid, and Kate return and start following Sayid’s orders to attempt to repair the machine.  Hurley walks into the pantry and I believe has an orgasm.

Ana-Lucia the recent one, calls to her new friends the others, and takes Sawyer’s gun from him.  The black guy and her are clearly allies, effectively screwing over those trapped beneath. 

Hurley’s afraid of the numbers, so much so, that’s he didn’t correct Locke when he had input 32 instead of 42. 

Locke insists on Jack pushing the execute button, trying to get some measure of faith out of Jack.  Locke seems to believe this has to be a two person job, and is somehow convinced that Jack must be his second.  Maybe he’s recruiting for new cultists in his crazy island cult now that HSFC is dead.  Jack presses the button at the last second.  

LOST:S02E02 Adrift

•February 1, 2009 • Leave a Comment

aka the Why does everyone act like they are too highly emotional episode.  

Sawyer’s resurface amid the burning wreckage of the raft, and hearing Michael’s voice screaming, really gets the episode going quickly.   Sawyer has apparently found part of a bamboo pontoon and has brought Michael up on it, and the scene cuts with Sawyer attempting to beat on him. 

Locke screams down the shaft for Kate, to no avail? 

Michael keeps screaming for Walt, after Sawyer’s impromptu Rescue Breathing appears to have worked.  Sawyer then screams for Jin.  While Michael and Sawyer have a bitch fit, apparently there is something underneath the remaining detritus of the raft, and they have beached upon it. 

Desmond has been trapped in the subterranean hatch for 44 days?  We se all the scratches on the wall, where it appears he’s been here for over a 100 with a cursory glance of the wall.  Anytime Locke insists he’s doing what’s best for all of us, I would immediately do the opposite. 

Charlie brought back a Heroin Virgin Mary Statue.  Of course, he’s going to start using again. 

“What you gonna do, Splash me?”  Sawyer, unsaid but very awesome Line, “No Mister Sawyer, I expect you to die.” 

Kate writhes on the ground, still bound in rope.  Amazingly she frees her hands enough to get at her pocket knife.  For some reason, instead of grabbing supplies, Kate climbs into an air shaft? 

Desmond has been interrogating Locke, who takes this all as some sort of spiritual test. 

Desmond’s clothing has an octagonal symbol I need to research.  It reminds me of the I Ching symbols I’ve seen, representing change moving towards a completeness.  He wants to know how many of Locke’s crew has gotten sick, and Desmond’s alarm goes off.  A Countdown timer on the wall resets to 10800, and we hear Jack’s voice in the distance.  Desmond has some sort of periscope, where he’s spying on Jack in the shaft. 

Both Jack and Kate appear to be disoriented during the Mama Cass song. 

Michael appears to have shot Sawyer, as we saw a spout of blood.  

Sawyer and Michael, sharing a pontoon, have found their way back to the island.  Still no word on Walt.  Jin runs towards Michael and Sawyer screaming, his hands bound, and screams others, and we turn our heads to reveal a group in shadow approach with weapons.  

LOST: S02E01 Man of Science, Man of Faith

•February 1, 2009 • Leave a Comment

aka Let’s go down to the hatch, oh baby, lets go down to the hatch.  

Again, starting the episode with an eye.  Always freaky for me.  

Computer nerds for the win.  Especially when they like the Mama Cass.  I’m guessing the injection was steroids based on how the musicstops, and how that looks nothing like your average hypodermic for insulin.  The fact that the scene changes from happily at home to busting out with modern ninja warfare, and electronics, makes me happy.   From the pullaway reveal, we see this is inside the hatch on the island, where Locke and Jack look down.  Whoever is down there, clearly more sexy than Sawyer. 

“Good idea, you go look in the burning death hole.”  Hurley.  I f’n love Hurley. 

Jack and Locke get into a pissing contest about whether to explore the interior of the hatch, and Jack wins, convincing Locke to wait until the morning. 

Unsurprisingly, CPQ lost Vincent.  Unsurprisingly, Sayid chases after her.  Unsurprisingly, Locke is still hanging out at the hatch.  John and Locke start butting heads, this time Jack talking about Destiny.  Vincent seems to be leading both Sayid and CPQ separately and into the jungle.   CPQ hears the “whispers” and sees Walt drenched in water, looking ghastly.  Walt tries to communicate with CPQ, but cannot.  There’s a tension there, like she’s not quite paying enough attention. 

“Life’s not so bad right, I mean sure the others are coming to eat us all and every once and awhile someone blows up all over you, but you do get to sleep in every morning.”  Hurley.  Hurley rocks, he has the most SOUL of anyone on the island, INMSFHO. 

Hurley gives the history of the numbers to Jack, and explains that the curse is on the hatch as the numbers are on the hatch.  Again, Jack doesn’t believe Hurley.  It seems that only people that are DIRECTLY affected by the numbers believe them. 

CPQ has been running her mouth, about Walt and the Whispers, riling up the entire population of the survivors.  Jack tries to talk Locke out of exploring the hatch, and Locke explains that he’s tired of waiting.  Jack looks on in disgust, and Kate watches Jack look on in disgust. 

Locke convinces Kate to go down first, which I cannot help but think is one of the stupidest moves, ever.  Locke slips on belaying Kate, and she’s suspended midway down the shaft.  Locke doesn’t pay attention to her cries to stop, and continues to belay her down the shaft.  I cannot help but think how selfish Lock acts in all this.  A brilliant white light shines up out of the hatch’s shaft and Locke isn’t able to pull her out of the shaft.  Jack makes his way to the hatch, and sees a rope going down, but neither Locke nor Kate.  For a medical doctor, he sure doesn’t respect the word Quarantine.  Wrapping his hands, he goes down the shaft. 

Poor Desmond, “See you in another life brother.”  I’m betting you’re the guy in the hatch.  Bad choice of words, China. 

BTW, Doctors and Guns rarely mix. 

Inside the hatch looks relatively homey, if homey is Secret Service meets the 1970’s music with Subterranean GeoDesic Dome mad scientists chic.  

LOST:S01E23&24 Exodus — Finale

•January 31, 2009 • Leave a Comment

The Others are coming, the Others are coming, says Rousseau who joins the survivors on the beach.

Apparently the entire Island is getting together to finish the raft.

The mysterious plume of black smoke Rousseau warned about has returned. Rousseau seems to see a correlation between the coming of the Others and the birth of the child.

Sawyer seems to have broken the lever on the raft.

Rousseau, much to the dismay of Jack, doesn’t know what is in the hatch.

Sawyer tells Jack about seeing his father, showing that in some small place of Sawyer’s heart, there is a soul.

Marshall deserved the beating, regardless of Kate’s legal status.

Messages in a bottle, hoping to get them back to the mainland Mr. Harscht appears to be a douche. No one gets away with making fun of Hurley.

Apparently the Territorie Foice is marked by blue tshirts. Very loud noise chasing Mr. DoucheTeacher. According to Rousseau, the island has a loud security system.

Vincent will take care of CPQ, how sad.

The Black Rock is the ship that the Rousseau’s shipwrecked on, somewhere near the middle of the jungle.

I love the flashbacks with everyone at the Sidney Airport.

Sun’s dictionary appear to have brought them closer, allowing them to come together again.The raft pushes out, and Vincent chases after, but Walt appears to have yelled at Vincent and gotten the message through.

The ending of the first episode has the awesome raft launch while the mysterious others black plume of smoke looks on.

Apparently Rousseau does not wish to be back on the ship, and after showing them the way, takes off. The Black Rock held mining slaves?

The death of Mr. Doucheteacher is both sad and friggin hilarious.

CPQ finally shows she has a soul… she finally shows the side of her that is weak. Of course, she also uses this to manipulate Sayid into carrying his stuff for her.

Proof that Charlie cares more and more for Claire, he made a Bjorn. Rousseau triggered a memory from Claire. Rousseau apparently knocked her unconscious, and stole Claire’s baby.

Jack shouldn’t carry one of the backpack’s full of dynamite, he’s the doctor of the friggin island. Locke, knowing this, arranged to have Locke have a longstick, I’m sure, somehow.

Sun attempts to console CPQ, only to seek solace from her. This show seems to like to talk about fate often, almost like fate is a tangible person on this island. Not exactly surprising.

Sayid shows Charlie the way to the Heroin Plane. Charlie stares down at the Heroin longingly.

Hurley’s list of things in the Hatch, cracks me up. Locke thinks Hope’s inside. No. I’m here on my couch watching you jackasses.

That’s some crazy bird yo.

The ground appears to have expolosion charges , and instead of running like the others, he’s going to investigate. Spooky, and not exactly intelligent. There’s loud noises and not a much explanation.

It seems whatever ate the pilot of the plane is HUNGRY, and dragging Locke away for dinner. Jack catches Locke as hes in the tunnel. We see smoke move in a way smoke shouldn’t move. Is this the mysterious smoke monster?

Why did Jack not give Kate a dynamite pack? Yes, he’s a dumbass. Locke said he’d be okay. What the hell?

Jin gives the watch to Michael, in one of the most touching scenes of bromance I’ve seen on this show. This is the super extra long episode of lost.

Burning Charlie’s wound shut with gunpowder, genius.

I really dislike the Australian ticket agent that Hurley had to deal with.

Locke thinks their struggle is the man of faith versus the man of science. Locke totally has bought into the island as a spiritual creation.

“I ain’t no hero, Mike.” –Sawyer. Well, no shit Sherlock.

Rousseau took Aaron to try to trade for Alex’s life.

Apparently the black smoke did not lead them to the others.

We’re gonna have a Locke problem?  I’ve been saying that forever now.

The raft peeps are saved, by cunning use of Sonar and Flare. Except they are slavers wanting the boy. And so Walt leaves, and the raft burns.

Long stairwell shot, awesome.

LOST:S01E22 Born to Run

•January 28, 2009 • Leave a Comment

So we learn, in this episode, that Kate has the best hairdye on earth, since she’s normally blonde but now she’s dark brown.

Apparently Kate’s trying to take over Sawyer’s spot on the raft, so she can avoid being taken into custody.

Jin and Michael work well together for having a language barrier, as evidenced by the sailboat.

Locke and Jack butt heads on their choices of discretion about the hatch and gun case, respectively. Jack wants into the metal structure, Sayid thinks they are crazy.

Jack believes someone has poisoned Michael, and all the evidence points to Kate.

The plane Kate finds is from a time capsule from Aug 15, 1989. She and her best friend growing up left it together.

Walt freaks out with Locke touches him, telling him not to open it. It appears it is possible that Walt’s powers extend to either telepathy or time/remote viewing?

Kate’s mom screams for someone to help her, and in the insuing rush to get out of sight, kills her best friend in a car accident.

Sun poisoned Michael trying to make Jin sick so he would stay. Michael seems now more determined to keep a relationship with Walt than to make it off the island.  This feels like a filler episode.

I saw the picture of a koala on a telephone pole and it made me laugh.

LOST: S01E21 The Greater Good

•January 28, 2009 • Leave a Comment

aka Let’s talk Morality Play, Bitches, episode.

Sayid has apparently been captured by Allied Forces, and they are speaking to CIA and ASIS. Apparently Sayid is to help them reclaim 300 lbs of C4, unlikely. The CIA woman has information on Nora, and apparently CIA lady, ASIS man, and Sayid are going to Sydney.

Kate has been tracking Jack due to his absence from the beach and the worries its causing the Survivors. Jack returns in time for HSFC’s funeral.  CPQ  cannot muster the words. Sayid speaks up, and retells some of his heroics, and apologizes for not getting to know him better. Locke sneaks into the funeral, retelling the events of HSFC’s demise. He tells the survivors it happened because HSFC tried to save them. Jack then knocks Locke down and tries to strangle him, reveling a scary dark vindictive side of him, right before he collapses into the sand.

It takes Sayid, Sun, and Kate acting in agreement to convince him to get some sleep.

We switch to a scene where Sayid and Osum are in Mosque. (Note: I think there is a special punishment for those that use places of Worship to deceive others.) Sayid goes to Osum’s house and removes a bug from a smoke detector then ominous talk about “taking down trees”.

Locke returns HSFC’s things to CPQ, feeling all remorseful, showing a soul. Locke attempts to comfort CPQ, and apologizes to HSFC, hoping the CPQ will forgive her. CPQ looks back in anger, and then proceeds to ask Sayid to kill Locke. Both Sayid and CPQ appear distraught and Sayid does not give a clue if he’s going to accede to his plan.

Sayid takes Locke out to the plane and Locke calls him on his interrogatory ways. Sayid’s friend Osum tackles him playing Soccer. Osum says that his friends have set him up to take out a target with a suicide mission.

Sayid goes to the intelligence community and tries to get them to get his friend out. They refuse, telling Sayid he has to convince his friend to go on the Suicide Bomb run or Nadi will be picked up as an enemy combatant.

Sayid calls Locke on his lies, and after Locke admits to hitting Sayid on the back of his head and destroying his equipment, Sayim points a gun at him.

Sayid attempts to console and convince Osum into doing the Suicide Bombing. Sayid uses some odd psychology to convince him, saying theat they will do it together. CPQ steals the key from Jack to open the gun locker. Osum and Sayid are left with the bomb, and after learning the truth, Osum kills himself.

Kate, Jack, and Sayid are taking off after Locke. Sayid finds CPQ with the gun, pointing at a kneeling Locke. Sayid knocks CPQ down, and she fires at Locke. Locke falls to the ground, and we see that he’s been grazed on the head. Instead of helping Locke, Jack walks off in disgust.

The baby only being quiet when he hears Sawyer’s voice is hilarious. Sayid apparently could have gotten away from the island, but instead he waited a day to bury Osum’s body. That delay cost him his “life” as it were.

Sayid tells Locke he will take him to the hatch, or he will tussle his perfect hair at him some more.

LOST:S01E20 Do No Harm

•January 27, 2009 • Leave a Comment

aka the Survivors play ER episode.

HSFC has a collapsed lung, Kate got lost in watching Jack before dangerous life saving maneuvers that she didn’t focus.

Jack promises to save HSFC.

Hurley is standing on watch duty, keeping a vigil for HSFC.  Hurley may not be overtly religious, but its one of his own design.

On the way back with the booze, Kate runs into Claire who is going into Labor.  Kate screams and is heard by Jin.

Jack’s training Sun, rather harshly, to be the nurse.

CPQ and Sayid are on a romantic picnic on a distant part of the island.

Jack gave Charlie all the instructions to give Kate to help deliver the baby.

Jack’s hearing all about the hatch and the plane and the cliff from HSFC.  And he’s also hearing that Locke wanted the hatch to be secret.

CPQ tells Sayid that HSFC is in love with her.

Jack’s pouring more than just his blood into HSFC.  He’s pouring his self-esteem into him.

Jack’s Dad: “Commitment is what makes you tick, Jack.  You’re just not good at letting go.”

Jack sees that HSFC’s leg is pooling with blood, and tells Sun is going to have to amputate.

Kate –“This baby is all of ours.” Hmmm… I know it takes a village to raise a child, but still.

Jin and Charlie playing expectant fathers?  Hilarious

Sun has proof and tells Jack that HSFC is bleeding internally, yet Jack still wants to proceed with the amputation,.  Sun looks on as Jack prepares the procedure, then turns away in disgust.

Jack clearly struggles with setting up the amputation device, just as it cuts away to his wedding.

That’s twice now that someone has let Jack off the hook for his promises.  Jack promised to keep Rosa company until Bernard returned, and now that he can save HSFC.

There is an odd beauty to this story.  As one life loses its last breath, one new life takes its first breath.

HSFC dies trying to ask Jack , “Tell Shannon I love her.”

CPQ’s actress does a bad job of crying over HSFC.

Jack considers Locke to be HSFC’s murderer.

Either they have all the sunscreen in the known universe, or these are the luckiest sumbitches ever.

I’m a little late, but isn’t it interesting that the series producers have a Croatian playing the French woman?

LOST: S01E19 Dues Ex Machina

•January 27, 2009 • Leave a Comment

Aka I am Locke and I’m Special I never realized quite how spooky this game mousetrap was until I saw it on this show.

Locke didn’t feel the metal wedge in his leg, and presumably isn’t feeling the needles to sew his flesh together, or the burning log on his feet. Either his paraplegia has not been fully cured, or he’s suffering nerve damage.

HSFC’s dug out the truth from Locke, as Locke says, “The island will tell him what to do.” Yeah, cuz that’s not cryptic, cultish bullshit.

Seems like Locke inherits the cryptic bullshit from his mother. The immaculate conception bullshit seems to be permeating his thick skull.

Sun’s garden is growing, and has been acting as a minor herbalist healer, treating Sawyer’s chronic headaches.

In Locke’s dream, HSFC plays Locke’s doubts about opening the hatch. Locke’s mother points at a crashing plane. Also, HSFC says, “Teresa falls up the stairs, Teresa falls down the stairs.” Also, HSFC was bruised and bloodied.

Young Locke’s wig is really bad.

“Have you been using that whacky paste stuff that made me see my sister get eaten?” — HSFC

Chronic Headaches, Light sensitivity, and relatively pleasant attitude… that could totally be a brain related injury.

HSFC and Locke find a nice dead monk with a rosary. Interesting imagery. Also, the priest has a sweaty load of Nigerian lira. Also the “priest” had another handgun. Is this island just full of guns or what?

Hooker and STD questions for an eye exam, hilarious.

Locke has totally submitted to his own internal belief about the island’s consciousness. HSFC seems to be buying into it as well, if only because his Priest believes it.

Clearly, Locke’s Dad is dying of kidney failure.

Teresa was HSFC’s nanny. Teresa apparently fell down the stairs when HSFC was six. Mysteriously, there’s another crashed plane on the island. I’m guessing from the blood on HSFC that it wasn’t just an accident. Or at least HSFC doesn’t think it was an accident.

Locke is going to give his Dad a kidney, not really surprising.

Locke needs HSFC to climb up into the plane to find the missing item. Could it be that the island was causing Locke’s leg pain so HSFC would be the one to discover the inside of the plane?

Sawyer’s new glasses are SEX-SAY!

New thought, are the numbers a phone number? Instead of 4 8 15 16 23 42 are they mean to be 481 516 2342? Unsurprisingly, I cannot find a listing for an NPA NXX from where that would be. Of course, that’s assuming the number is within the NADP. It could be missing a country code. Assuming Australia, I cannot find a match. Also, apparently there are a ton of prank calls to that number or telemarketers from that number… Don’t be so surprised.

Plane contains Mary statues with tons and tons of Heroin. Really hope Charlie doesn’t find this. Because well, the last thing Charlie needs is more Heroin to snort.

The airplane gets a signal just in time for the airplane to shift wildly. HSFC gets some response on the airplane radio, just as the airplane falls off the cliff.

Locke goes from having problems walking to being able to carry HSFC.

Locke wakes up in his recovery room, and his father is not there next to him. Of course, Mr. Cooper checked out earlier, without leaving a message for Locke. Chances are he won’t respond anymore. Magickally, Mom reappears.

Both Mom and Dad played Locke to make Locke give Locke’s Dad his kidney.

Still no sunburns.